We must stand united and deliver BIG numbers on October 16th. Tell everyone you know. Carpool with friends. Pick your favorite flyers, leave a big pile in your car and plaster them everywhere. Flyer #2 in our series is attached below with at least three more to follow.
Go to www.njvaccinationchoice.org. Soon, they’ll post their press release, suggestions for signs and banners, details about their letter writing campaign and a description of the photo/music montage. Bring photos of all the children on whose behalf you are demanding vaccination choice.
Featured speakers include Asw Charlotte Vandervalk (primary sponsor of the conscientious exemption bill), board-certified pediatrician Dr. Larry Rosen, board-certified pediatrician Dr. Larry Palevsky, vaccine injury and disabled children’s rights attorney Bob Krakow and Autism United and Autism Action Network (formerly A-CHAMP) founder John Gilmore.
If you are interested in speaking at the rally, let Louise know as soon as possible. In addition to our featured speakers, they plan to hold a powerful “rapid testimony sequence” for medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, homeopaths, clergy, scientists, educators, soldiers, politicians, journalists, activists, homeschoolers and many parents including those whose children were harmed and killed by vaccines. And perhaps a celebrity or two. We all love our children.
Governor Corzine, Health Commissioner Howard and all NJ legislators will be invited to join us. Check the www.njvaccinationchoice.org website this week for an invitation you can send to your legislators with a personal letter asking them to attend. To find your legislators, go to www.njvaccinationchoice.org and click on Find Legislators. We plan to publicly thank each of our primary and co-sponsors. http://www.njvaccinationchoice.org/sponsors.html
The rally was scheduled to immediately follow Louise Kuo Habakus’ meeting with Health Commissioner Howard. Her assistant called on Thursday to reschedule. Louise told her that she had invited several important professionals to join her and there would be upwards of one thousand parents and professionals meeting her in Trenton to hear about the meeting and to rally for vaccination choice. Out of concern for the schedules of so many, could she possibly keep the meeting on the morning of 10/16? And if not, we would be delighted to meet with Governor Corzine instead. No word back yet… Louise will keep us posted.
Rally t-shirts will be available soon! Donate to support the rally. http://www.njvaccinationchoice.org/donations.html
Contact Louise if you can help volunteer, a little or a lot. Areas include carpool, district coordination, press/media outreach, marketing, letter writing, rally marshall.
Please remember that this is a rally for vaccination choice. We embrace people who want all, some or no shots. For a procedure that can kill, cause permanent traumatic brain injury and produce lifelong chronic disease, we believe parents must be allowed to weigh the risks/benefits and make the tradeoff for their children in consultation with the doctors of their choice… child by child and vaccine by vaccine.