10 Beauty Products you MUST ditch during Pregnancy

10 Beauty Products you MUST ditch during Pregnancy

Decades ago, when chemists were churning out new discoveries and industry was making “better living through chemistry,” the belief was widely held that chemicals do not cross the placenta. We now know that mother’s chemical exposure can affect her baby’s chances for a normal, healthy life, especially in early pregnancy when a fetus’ growth is being carefully regulated by a host of natural chemical messengers in the womb.

Should you worry? Well, first of all, women have been giving birth joyfully for decades after the advent of industrialization. It is a thrilling, suspense-ridden process with no certain answers — with a high probability that you will have created the greatest treasure of your life. Don’t let fears overwhelm your enjoyment of nine months of miracles. But do use common sense, and a little dose of facts, to help protect your little bundle of joy as much as you can.

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