This current supplement list may come as a bit of a surprise….. In April, I took Nicholas off of his supplements to see what we actually need at this point. I literally have wiped the slate clean. With almost 80 rounds of chelation under our belt, I felt it was time to see how he would fare without the huge laundry list of supplements. So far, so good.
I have also discontinued his armour thyroid and diflucan.
2 capsules of Klaire’s Interfase
2 Candidase
mb-12 shot
Claritin (allergies are brutal for him right now)
2 Culturelle
2 capsules of Klaire’s Interfase
2 Candidase
He is still taking enzymes with his meals, but I am looking to discontinue that as well (if possible) – but that’s a trial for another time.
During weekends when we chelate, I will be giving him his multi and the other supplements necessary to support him while chelating.
In a very short time, he has lost a considerable amount of weight from his belly.
wow, this is fabulous!! we’re on round #4 this weekend — last 2 rounds we’ve seen mini-meltdowns and nose congestions (only during rounds), but that just tells me something is going on…. I’ll take it 🙂