Up to 40 Percent of Kids with Autism Receive Alternative Medicine Treatments, Too Written by Rachel Barclay | Published on January 11, 2014 A study done in Northern California showed that 40 percent of families were pursuing alternative treatments for their children who had autism. These treatments included homeopathy, chelation and hbot amongst others. Read […]
Posts Tagged ‘Andy Cutler Chelation Protocol’
Up to 40 Percent of Kids with Autism Receive Alternative Medicine Treatments, Too

June 2013 Update on Nicholas

I wrote this post in June 2013 – but never got back to publish it…. sharing it with you all now… My son is graduating 2nd grade this year and moving onto a new school. As I sat in his finale assembly watching him sing with the graduating class the other day, my eyes flooded […]
Andy Cutler’s Chelation Protocol

Before I get into the protocol we’re using to recover Nicholas, I just want to mention that Andy’s books, Amalgam Illness and Finding Hidden Hair Toxicities have been two of the most helpful books I have purchased yet. (Best place to purchase them is from noamalgam.com) Amalgam Illness has a wonderful section all about supplements […]
Autism-Mercury Newsgroup

If you have a child who has an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) – you should join this community of parents – the information being shared on a daily basis is just amazing. Autism-Mercury Newsgroup on Yahoo
Book Recommendation: Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis & Treatment

This is truly one of the most valuable books I own. This is a step-by-step guide to treating dozens of illnesses which are caused by toxic levels of metals, such as mercury. I can’t recommend it enough!
Book Recommendation: Hair Test Interpretation – Finding Hidden Toxicities

This book is open on my desk constantly! Andy Cutler’s books have greatly helped me to help my son. This book helps you to identify toxicity by explaining how to read hair test results for essential and toxic elements. He breaks down each element with complete detailed explanations for each one – it’s a step […]