We restarted diflucan today.
Posts Tagged ‘Diflucan’
Day 4: Diflucan

Nicholas seems to be getting back to being himself. Although it’s getting hard to keep him IN the house. It’s been beautiful here – and he just wants to be outside at all times! Grandma and Mommy took Nicholas to Chili’s today for lunch. He was a bit apprehensive about getting into the booth – […]
Day 3: Diflucan

He seems to be getting better. Not pooping much, even with oxypowder – which says that he’s terribly constipated due to the yeast die-off. Gotta up the oxypowder… We spent alot of time outside today. He really loves being outside. Playing in water, the sandbox, driving his car, etc – just loves it. I cringe […]
Day 2: Diflucan

Nicholas hasn’t been himself since we started the diflucan. He’s not necessarily being bad, he just isn’t “him”. Tonight after his bath, he climbed into our bed and just lied there watching tv – it was not like him at all. I’m sure he feels awful – his appetite at dinner seems smaller. After school, […]
Day 1: Diflucan

I threw in the towel on fighting the yeast myself and had the dr call in an Rx for diflucan. Here’s hoping it does something!!