Posts Tagged ‘Mercury’

Bravo Robert DeNiro! Bravo!!

Robert DeNiro appeared on the Today Show discussing the film which was pulled from the Tribeca Film Festival, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe. He nailed it… see for yourself… Yes Rob, Let’s Find Out the Truth. However, I’m thinking we already know what it is. But it’s time everyone else did too. How many more […]

Vaccine Industry Watchdog Obtains CDC Documents That Show Statistically Significant Risks of Autism Associated with Vaccine Preservative Thimerosal

Vaccine Industry Watchdog Obtains CDC Documents That Show Statistically Significant Risks of Autism Associated with Vaccine Preservative Thimerosal Biochemist Brian Hooker, scientific advisor to A Shot of Truth, reveals CDC knew of risks for over a decade. Charlotte, NC (PRWEB) February 19, 2014 For nearly ten years, Brian Hooker has been requesting documents that are […]

Thimerosal and Autism Timeline

This website is an excellent resource in showing the timeline of Thimerosal and Autism – tons of valuable information here: A Shot of Truth

Mercury linked to immune changes seen in autoimmune disease

Mercury linked to immune changes seen in autoimmune disease. April 13, 2010 Gardner, RM, JF Nyland, IA Silva, AM Ventura, JM deSouza and EK Silbergeld. 2010. Mercury exposure, serum antinuclear/antinucleolar antibodies, and serum cytokine levels in mining populations in Amazonian Brazil: A cross-sectional study. Environmental Research Synopsis by Jennifer F. Nyland Mercury increases […]

What exactly is thimerosal?

Michael Wagnitz: Decision raises question: What exactly is thimerosal? Michael Wagnitz | local columnist | Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2010 4:45 am Since the March 12 decision by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, which concluded that thimerosal in vaccines is not linked to autism or any other childhood neurological injury, I’ve been asked […]

The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic

I cannot wait to read this….

New Study just released linking MERCURY and AUTISM!

New study just released linking mercury and autism. “Mercury Induces Inflammatory Mediator Release from Human Mast Cells,” Conclusion: HgCl2 stimulates VEGF and IL-6 release from human mast cells. This phenomenon could disrupt the blood-brain-barrier and permit brain inflammation. As a result, the findings of the pres…ent study provide a biological mechanism for how low levels […]

How Mercury Causes Neurodegeneration (Brain Damage)

Hertz-Picciotto’s blood mercury autism study: what the researchers omitted

Hertz-Picciotto’s blood mercury autism study: what the researchers omitted Teresa Binstock Researcher in Developmental & Behavioral Neuroanatomy October 21, 2009 Irva Hertz-Picciotto & colleagues have published results of a study comparing mercury (Hg) levels in children with and without autism (1). The study does not report findings about total body burden of Hg in children, […]

How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration

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