How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: Two Hidden Sources of Soy at Your Breakfast Table I was so inspired by a live-streaming speech given by Sally Fallon Morrell, the president of the Weston A. Price foundation, this week at the Wise Traditions Conference on how and what to eat (that is, real, whole, traditionally-prepared […]
Posts Tagged ‘Soy’
How To Kick Your Thyroid’s Ass: Two Hidden Sources of Soy at Your Breakfast Table

Soy is a HUGE no no in this house!

So, I’ve been having a bit of trouble getting Nicholas’s supplements into him lately. Just to get them into him, I grabbed a 4 pack of the Gerber yogurt-juice drinks that he used to love so much. (I had to take these away because of the soy in them – and he loved them) So, […]
I wish I had never used Soy Formula

I’m not very happy with myself right now and I hope that my utter stupidity has not permanently effected my son. Soy is not good for you. Everything I read points me in that direction. What the heck was I thinking giving my son Soy Formula? and then at 12 months, when he refused milk, […]
Early Allergies to Soy Formula and Milk

Nicholas came home from the hospital on Similac Advance. He was a really good, really happy baby – and an absolute joy. He was very alert and aware of his surroundings – and was able to hold his head up remarkably well. He slept well – through the night from about 6 weeks old! He loved […]