Updated: June 15, 2008
SCD stands for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.
If your child battles yeast, this is the diet to try first. I know the GFCF diet gets alot of attention, but for kids who are battling issues with yeast, they need to eat a diet which will not FEED the yeast. They need a diet which will “heal” their gut. That’s what this diet does… and as you continue on the diet, you will be able to add back foods which once were problem foods for your child.
- Websites:
Breaking the Vicious Cycle: http://breakingtheviciouscycle.info/
Pecanbread: http://www.pecanbread.com
Pecanbread Support on Yahoo: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pecanbread/ - Books:
Breaking the Vicious Cycle (link below)
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (link below)