Must Read – Vaxxed: The powerful new documentary the CDC wishes would just go away

Please take a moment to read this excellent interview with Del Bigtree who is the Emmy award winning medical journalist and producer of the television show, The Doctors. After he listened to what was included in the Thompson tapes, he couldn’t turn his back and not get involved as “It would be criminal”

“RS: Did you have to give up your work on The Doctors to get involved in Dr. Wakefield’s documentary?

DB: At that time, the show went into hiatus so I could lock into the project to research and call doctors to discuss it. More than one told me that I was making a career-ending move by aligning myself with Andy Wakefield.

RS: Weren’t you concerned about that possibility? That you might be forever giving up such a great career that you obviously enjoyed?

DB: If I decided to look the other way and not tell this story, and my kids or grandkids got sick, I’m not sure how I could live with myself.”

Keep reading:
Vaxxed: The powerful new documentary the CDC wishes would just go away

Vaxxed from Cover-up to Catastrophe Documentary

About this documentary:

In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.

The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.

Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.

Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

Please – make sure you see this documentary!!

For screenings in your area, go to their site and click on Screenings:

One Heart, One Mind: The Case for Healing Autism and Pandas

Pierre’s book is now available on Amazon!!

Click to get your paperback or kindle copy now!

ONE HEART, ONE MIND BY PIERRE FONTAINE – Case 1 – Nicholas’s Eleventh Follow Up

Hello again,

For those of you who have been following along with me while I share Nicholas’s homeopathy journey through Pierre Fontaine’s Case Study, here is what you missed so far. The next post is below.

My initial appointment with Pierre Fontaine
My First Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Second Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Third Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Fourth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Fifth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Sixth follow up with Pierre Fontaine
My Ninth follow up with Pierre Fontaine
My Tenth follow up with Pierre Fontaine

Here are the details on my 11th follow up with Pierre.

One Heart,
One Mind

Pierre Fontaine, CCH

The Case for Healing Autism

08 May 2012

I bought and gave the MMR nosode 1M for the self-talk. It seems to keep it
at bay.

We all have a cough, not constant but a little tickle until one can get rid of a
little phlegm. The cough is a little to the side of the neck actually on top of
the shoulder.

This mom likes to go her own way. She is getting remedies herself and
blazing her own trail. This is fine though really borderline. She has done
her homework on homeopathy and loves what it has done for her child.
She wants to push the envelope. I can only relate; it is that spirit that
kept me going through failures.

This case was taken quite a few years ago; I had fewer guidelines and
fewer answers than I do now. Giving the MMR nosode is called
isopathic. This is a way of thinking that has a lot of resonance with
people but is generally not effective. People understand isopathic much
more readily than homeopathy. People give the MMR nosode remedy
because of what they think is MMR vaccine injury, or DPT when the
perception is that the DPT vaccine hurt the child, and so goes the
theory; it is simple enough. This is one of the very few cases when such a
remedy did anything at all. Though I would love for isopathy to be
really effective, I really don’t suggest doing it as it generally leads to
great amount of wasted time. I hear from people who do this isopathy.
“Something is happening, he has a rash, the toxins must be coming out.”
Let’s not forget that when “something is happening” it does not
necessarily mean something good is happening. What in the world is
“coming out”? Is autism going to come out a detox? Today, I think a
very small fraction of ASD cases can be helped with these isopathic
remedies yet many people still flock to the so-called practitioner who
promised them an easy answer to this extremely convoluted problem
that is autism.


My comments on Pierre’s comments about this follow up:
Pierre’s comments are spot-on. It’s very easy when you’re in the mix of things to want better results as quickly as possible and to push push push for more more more – but you could in turn delay the body’s healing process or cause more problems in the long run. There were others around me that were following this approach and with being so desperate to see the end, I got swept up in it as well. When you hear someone say that a negative effect is actually a positive, you just want to grab on and believe that what they are telling you is the correct thing. Homeopathy isn’t isopathy, no matter how much we’d like it to be because that’s what we can dig our teeth into.

ONE HEART, ONE MIND BY PIERRE FONTAINE – Case 1 – Nicholas’s Tenth Follow Up

Hello again,

For those of you who have been following along with me while I share Nicholas’s homeopathy journey through Pierre Fontaine’s Case Study, here is what you missed so far. The next post is below.

My initial appointment with Pierre Fontaine
My First Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Second Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Third Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Fourth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Fifth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Sixth follow up with Pierre Fontaine
My Ninth follow up with Pierre Fontaine

Here are the details on my 10th follow up with Pierre.

One Heart,
One Mind

Pierre Fontaine, CCH

The Case for Healing Autism

27 March 2012

I am now dosing with 10M and he has been using words like
“distinguished”. He is more mature. His eye contact is back. His interests in
TV have changed towards his age.

He had a strange fever for 24 hours. He said his chest was really hot and at
the same time he developed measles-like rash that popped out in different
parts of his body and then two hours later it was gone. He also said his eyes
felt funny. Also half of his back was hot and the other half not, longitudinal
right, once the rash diminished he could breathe.


ONE HEART, ONE MIND BY PIERRE FONTAINE – Case 1 – Nicholas’s Ninth Follow Up

Hello again,

For those of you who have been following along with me while I share Nicholas’s homeopathy journey through Pierre Fontaine’s Case Study, here is what you missed so far. The next post is below.

My initial appointment with Pierre Fontaine
My First Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Second Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Third Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Fourth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Fifth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Sixth follow up with Pierre Fontaine

Details on the 7th and 8th follow ups were not published in the book, so here are the details on my 9th follow up with Pierre.

One Heart,
One Mind

Pierre Fontaine, CCH

The Case for Healing Autism

04 November 2011

When I called to get this appointment he was not doing well. He was talking
to himself, spinning in circles and saying idiotic stuff. Stuff that didn’t make
sense and non-stop talking. He was very agitated and impatient. Everything
was in super fast speed. I was on my last nerve.

I gave him the remedy Granite 30C and it helped a lot. It calmed down the

He is doing amazingly great. The only thing is when I ask him to look at the
camera he looks way off although he tells me he is looking at the camera.

We had a couple of months when the results were quite iffy. ASD was
backtracking and PANDAS was acting. We tried a few remedies,
eventually going back to what proved to be the best remedy and it fixed
what needed to be fixed. I think the problem was that we wanted to
push forward faster than we should have. Because of the gentleness of
homeopathy giving other remedies didn’t hurt. They just didn’t do

GRANITE 30C and consider 1M or 10M if 30C no longer helps.

ONE HEART, ONE MIND BY PIERRE FONTAINE – Case 1 – Nicholas’s Sixth Follow Up

Hello again,

For those of you who have been following along with me while I share Nicholas’s homeopathy journey through Pierre Fontaine’s Case Study, here is what you missed so far. The next post is below.

My initial appointment with Pierre Fontaine
My First Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Second Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Third Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Fourth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Fifth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine

Here are the details on my 6th follow up with Pierre.

One Heart,
One Mind

Pierre Fontaine, CCH

The Case for Healing Autism

20 June 2011

He was doing OK but then in the last two weeks the allergies started. I tried
Allium cepa, Euphrasia, Ambrosia but none helped. On Monday, I gave
Sabadilla 30C only one dose and it helped a lot.

That is good to hear. Tell me about PANDAS, please.

It brings out defiant, very rigid behavior and self talk. He likes to tell himself
stories. He says he is tracing with his eyes. A couple of weeks ago he was
sick with swollen tonsils and he made a couple of references to dying. “I am
so sick, I am going to die.” He did not want to be by himself at all. At some
point the pain was radiating from throat to right ear.

He has no control of when he has to go urinate. He does not have any
sensation to urinate. No feeling whatsoever.

Have you asked him about his dreams.

Usually he tells me about dreaming of Thomas the Train. That day he said
no one wanted to play with him.


ONE HEART, ONE MIND BY PIERRE FONTAINE – Case 1 – Nicholas’s Fifth Follow Up

Hi there everyone,

For those of you who have been following along with me while I share Nicholas’s homeopathy journey through Pierre Fontaine’s Case Study, here is what you missed so far. The next post is below.

My initial appointment with Pierre Fontaine
My First Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Second Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Third Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Fourth Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine

Here are the details on my 5th follow up with Pierre.

One Heart,
One Mind

Pierre Fontaine, CCH

The Case for Healing Autism

28 January 2011

I started drop dosing once every couple of days rather than sip dosing as it
seems to trigger some vomiting at 1AM and then again at 4AM. If I hear
him cough a couple of times I go to his bedroom because he pukes but it
does not wake him up.

When he starts to have strange behaviors I give two drops of Cinchona 30C
and the self talk stops within a couple of minutes. That is PANDAS.
I am wondering if Strep is the root of all this or if autism is sitting on top of

We can see here that dosing ought to go with the Vital Force and that
too much can be counter-productive. She backed off; it was a wise
decision. Autism is not PANDAS but it often is concomitant. Ideally, I
would love to have one remedy cover both conditions, when one remedy
does not do it all, then as with the allergies earlier in the case, I give a
remedy that fits the acute episode.

GRANITUM 30C and Cinchona when PANDAS flares.

ONE HEART, ONE MIND BY PIERRE FONTAINE – Case 1 – Nicholas’s Fourth Follow Up

Hi there everyone,

For those of you who have been following along with me while I share Nicholas’s homeopathy journey through Pierre Fontaine’s Case Study, here is what you missed so far. The next post is below.

My initial appointment with Pierre Fontaine
My First Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Second Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
My Third Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine

Here are the details on my 4th follow up with Pierre.

One Heart,
One Mind

Pierre Fontaine, CCH

The Case for Healing Autism

11 December 2010

I stopped his remedy for two weeks. I used to sip dose every day or every
other day but when I lowered the rate of the remedy, he seemed to get tired,
on the other hand it helps him poop. I have not been able to get his self-talk
to stop. That is why I was dosing so often. He knows he is doing it. There is
an issue but I don’t know what it is. Cognition wise he is really clear. His
speech at times becomes slurry, at other times it is perfectly clear.

I gave one drop of 30 C Thursday, he was a little happier yesterday. I am
watching him in karate because his moves are not where they should be.
He seems to feel the cold now. He wants warm and hot water now rather
than just cold in his bathtub. Before he never felt cold nor would he get

I give three different sheets of dosing instructions, which are
interchangeable. During this month, mom switched from what we call
drop dosing to sub-acute dosing. When I first started practicing there
was basically one way of dosing, namely a couple of dry pellets in the
mouth but some homeopaths were making a lot of noise about “wet”
dosing; though I didn’t find those ways very practical it inspired me to
alter my dosing in ASD cases and developed “drop” “sub acute” and
“acute” dosing. Each is used according to level of severity.

He is getting a better sense of hot and cold temperature. That is a very
good general development that points in the direction of his nervous
system working better. We could also associate cold with Granite…

GRANITUM 30 C (Drop dosing)

ONE HEART, ONE MIND BY PIERRE FONTAINE – Case 1 – Nicholas’s Third Follow Up

Hello everyone,

For those of you who have been following along with Nicholas’s homeopathy journey through Pierre Fontaine’s Case Study, here are the first three posts. The next post about his third follow up is below.

My initial appointment with Pierre Fontaine
My First Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Second Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine

Here are the details on my third follow up with Pierre.

One Heart,
One Mind

Pierre Fontaine, CCH

The Case for Healing Autism

07 October 2010

He is doing great but I think he has stalled. A couple of times a week he gets
stuck. He can’t divert from doing some things. He plays air hockey. Once it
gets in his head he can’t move past it. He found my charger for my cell
phone and did not want to let go of it. It is not a big deal in itself but he
didn’t want to let go of it because he was not understanding.

That said, his language is coming along but his pronunciation is a bit
behind. He is cloudy at times, with days when he is more lucid than others.
How about interaction?

When he wakes me up in the morning his interaction is fantastic. A little shy
around kids who can talk better than he does but he is making friends and
play is not much of an issue anymore.

His eye contact is fine.

How often are you repeating?

I am giving the remedy every three days, it works with the pooping every
single time.

GRANITUM 30 C (Continue giving the remedy every three days)

Notice I ask the parents how often they are repeating the remedy. At the
beginning the dosing is on schedule but the idea is that the parents are
with the child every day, they know their child best and see the reaction
to the remedy. I prefer when the remedy is repeated according to what
the parents “see and sense.” It is a learning curve. Most people want to
be told exactly when to dose as it is the model we are used to. The point
here is to assist the Vital Force of the child according to what is
happening. As long as the child improves there is no need to repeat. As
soon as “backtracking” of improvements happens, it is the right time to
repeat and this way the dose matches with the flow of the Vital Force.
Parents are also made aware to not repeat the remedy according to
their ego. We all have a tendency to want to see things happen faster
and thereby try to force results. That is counter to Nature. When I
understand a parent is a little too eager to repeat the remedy I give
more precise instructions.

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