Hello everyone,
For those of you who have been following along with Nicholas’s homeopathy journey through Pierre Fontaine’s Case Study, here are the first three posts. The next post about his third follow up is below.
My initial appointment with Pierre Fontaine
My First Follow Up with Pierre Fontaine
My Second Follow Up With Pierre Fontaine
Here are the details on my third follow up with Pierre.
One Heart,
One Mind
Pierre Fontaine, CCH
The Case for Healing Autism
07 October 2010
He is doing great but I think he has stalled. A couple of times a week he gets
stuck. He can’t divert from doing some things. He plays air hockey. Once it
gets in his head he can’t move past it. He found my charger for my cell
phone and did not want to let go of it. It is not a big deal in itself but he
didn’t want to let go of it because he was not understanding.
That said, his language is coming along but his pronunciation is a bit
behind. He is cloudy at times, with days when he is more lucid than others.
How about interaction?
When he wakes me up in the morning his interaction is fantastic. A little shy
around kids who can talk better than he does but he is making friends and
play is not much of an issue anymore.
His eye contact is fine.
How often are you repeating?
I am giving the remedy every three days, it works with the pooping every
single time.
GRANITUM 30 C (Continue giving the remedy every three days)
Notice I ask the parents how often they are repeating the remedy. At the
beginning the dosing is on schedule but the idea is that the parents are
with the child every day, they know their child best and see the reaction
to the remedy. I prefer when the remedy is repeated according to what
the parents “see and sense.” It is a learning curve. Most people want to
be told exactly when to dose as it is the model we are used to. The point
here is to assist the Vital Force of the child according to what is
happening. As long as the child improves there is no need to repeat. As
soon as “backtracking” of improvements happens, it is the right time to
repeat and this way the dose matches with the flow of the Vital Force.
Parents are also made aware to not repeat the remedy according to
their ego. We all have a tendency to want to see things happen faster
and thereby try to force results. That is counter to Nature. When I
understand a parent is a little too eager to repeat the remedy I give
more precise instructions.